2022 Year in review: grants and scholarships awarded

As another year draws to a close, we want to look back on 2022 and recognize the grants and scholarships awarded by the Columbus Area Community Foundation this year.

Competitive grant awards in 2022

The Community Foundation awarded $18,450 in competitive grants out of the Columbus Operating Fund in 2022 to benefit the following organizations and projects:

Congratulations to this year’s grant recipients! We can’t wait to see the finished projects!

If your eligible organization wants to apply for a Columbus Area Community Foundation grant, please complete the grant application [PDF] linked from our Grants page.

Scholarship awards in 2022

During 2022, eight scholarship funds awarded more than $13,000 total to help fund local students’ post-secondary education. Congratulations to all our scholarship recipients, and good luck with your studies!

Learn more about scholarship funds at the Columbus Area Community Foundation.